A recorded talk by Elina Eriksson about research at KTH on digital behaviour change interventions for sustainability and some promising avenues for future research and collaboration.
At this week's lunch talk at SF Lab, a visiting professor in applied drama shared how drama can be used to avoid defensive responses like denial or hopelessness.
We will host own local LIMITS-hub this year and would like to invite anyone who is planning to attend LIMITS and live close to Stockholm to come and join us at KTH!
Tuesday April 4 2023, Minna had her 50% seminar. It was a full day, with a lovely presentation by her discussant Jonas Löwgren in the morning - titled “A Really Difficult Topic for a Seminar”, and then Minna’s seminar in the afternoon.
On November 16, 2023, we invited practitioners from all over the world to participate in a gathering to hear stories about how Art of Hosting has been used within Higher Education, and to explore what we could do more.