Rob had two papers accepted to CHI2022 (ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) as a co-author, which were presented at the conference in the beginning of May:
Towards Digital Environmental Stewardship: the Work of Caring for the Environment in Waste Management, written together with Chiara Rossitto, Jakob Tholander and Mattias Jacobsson.
Making New Worlds – Transformative Becomings with Soma Design, written together with Anna Ståhl, Madeline Balaam, Pedro Sanches and Kristina Höök.
Elina participated in a panel at an event called Digital Futures for Education, discussing what universities might look like in 2040. She was also a guest on a podcast called Third Task by the Climate Students in cooperation with Bolin Center at Stockholm University. Elina also participated on a panel discussion at an event titled City Transformation: How we make the city more sustainable by World Academic Forum. Together with Daniel Pargman, Amanda Martling, Elina also conducted a workshop IRL the 8th of May as part of the Event Horizon project - Daniel has written about it at his personal blog.
Rob has had a quiet month for research while focusing on teaching. During April and May, he has been working on a few larger and long-term funding opportunities to develop research infrastructure and to develop research networks. Rob also conducted a site visit and workshops for the Digital Stewardship project and has started to process data together with Martin Lindrup (visiting PhD student) leading it on utilisation in bin rooms. As the spring semester is coming to an end, Rob has been wrapping up master thesis projects and examined a few of them as well.
Leif Dahlberg participated in a panel discussion at an event called “Shaping environments through research, art, and activism” hosted at Södertörn Högskola. The panel consisted of Leif as well as Pavel Otdelnov (visual artist), Johan Gärdebo (historian of environment, science and technology), Clara Bodén (filmmaker), and they discussed questions such:
How do the politics of environmental knowledge shape the ways in which environments are created and governed?
How can critical research, art, and activism reimagine the interfaces of power and knowledge(s) to highlight marginalised perspectives and environmental problems?
Daniel has been doing many different things this month, but notably he participated in a workshop exploring the use of “Drama for Learning about Sustainability in Higher Education” hosted by Eva Österlind. He also participated in a seminar on “Universities total climate footprint – walking the talk” organized by The Nordic Association of University Administrators (NUAS) interest group for sustainability. Later in May, Daniel held a talk for Formas together with his colleagues in The FLIGHT Project, suggesting that Formas should do their part to reduce the CO2 footprint of research through introducing CO2 budgets for travel when researchers submit grant applications.
Aksel attended a PhD course on Reflexive and Creative Methodology at Lund University in mid-May. He thinks it was very interesting, but also thought provoking, and it might merit a future blog post of its own to expand on further. Together with Martin, Aksel has also been planning and conducting a workshop on data physicalisation of CO2 emissions from flying as part of The FLIGHT Project.
Arjun successfully passed his 30% seminar in which he presented his thinking, progress and plans for his thesis! You can read more about it here.
Minna will present a paper at the NESS conference in Gothenburg on counterfactual scenarios, based on the Event Horizon project and written together with Daniel, Elina and Mia Hesselgren.
Daniel, Elina and Arjun will travel by train to Plovdiv, Bulgaria, to participate in the eighth International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, where a few papers by the team will be presented (blog post to come). Minna will also participate, but online.
The 21 and 22 of June, the Eighth Workshop on Computing within Limits will be held and we plan to host a local hub here at KTH in Stockholm.